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Are nutritional remedies quack therapies?

With so much conflicting information bombarding us about what food is “good” and which ones are “bad,” we’re easily overwhelmed with choices. Some of the recommended regimens for various illnesses can seem overly restrictive—threatening to take the joy out of eating. Other recommendations just seem too difficult, relying on exotic ingredients that are expensive and hard to find, or preparations that are too tedious and time-consuming for a sick person to handle.

Dr. Sushrut Jangi, an instructor of Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA, posted an article entitled “The Nutrition Gap” stating how there is a disconnect between how patients and clinicians perceive diet in this country. “In America,” he says, “where the pharmaceutical industry is king, many doctors dismiss nutritional therapies as quack medicine.” Peruse the internet about nutrition and health and you’ll find that many people agree with him and are exercising their right to consider nutritional therapies because many pharmaceuticals are directly linked to death. For instance, according to the CDC, from 2000 to 2014 nearly half a million Americans died from drug overdoses (prescribed and street level drugs).

Prescription drugs kill more people each year than illegal drugs. An estimated 450,000 preventable medication-related adverse events occur in the U.S. every year. We must ask ourselves; Can food do a better job in helping us manage chronic illnesses and diseases than the pharmaceuticals which kill so many people each year? Didn't the

The famous quote by Greek physician Hippocrates, coined the phrase, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” . This saying has stood the test of time and is garnering more attention these days. Globally, a diet lacking in sufficient nutrients has been linked to many diseases. If our bodies received the proper amounts of and diverse nutrients, we would be healthier. And, let's face it, pharmaceuticals often cause various side effects, which if not addressed, can cause other illnesses and disease.

Isn’t it time to consider a few age-old remedies that haven't killed anyone to date? Take for example, the whole lemon. Did you know that lemon peel is really good for you? Most likely, you only think of the lemon’s juice and its Vitamin C content. The whole lemon, including the peel, contains as much as 5-10 times more vitamins than lemon juice itself. According to the USDA National nutrient database, one raw lemon, without peel (about 58 grams) provides 17 calories, 0.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 5.4 grams of carbohydrate (including 1.6 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of sugar, 51% of daily Vitamin C needs, as well as small amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.

You can consume the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, press the juice, prepare other drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc.It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it has on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. It is also considered an antimicrobial, which is effective against bacterial infections and fungi and effective against internal parasites and worms. It helps to regulate blood pressure, when it is too high and is an antidepressant, which combats stress and calms nervous disorders.

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